B. Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (NIT Surat)
07.2019 - 05.2023 | Surat
  • Institute Roll No:. U19EC026 | CGPA: 8.67
  • Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (CBSE) Grade: 89%
03.2016 | Bhavnagar
  • Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (CBSE) CGPA: 10 | Grade: 95%
EID - Intern, GE Healthcare India
05.2022 - 07.2022
  • Worked on the Project titled "Support for Signing of Containers and RPM artifacts".
  • Curated skills in Docker, Microservices and Kubernetes.
  • Used tools - cosign for signing and verifying the container image and kyverno to setup policy to allow only signed images to run in the cluster.
Student Developer | Google Summer of Code 2021, coala Association e.V.
05.2021 - 08.2021
  • The project aims to create a tool that allows anyone to become a market gardener, given some space.
  • Developed the backend endpoints providing functionalities.
  • Tech Stack: Django, DRF, PostgreSQL, Celery, RabbitMQ, OpenWeather APIs.
  • Project Report Link
Backend Intern, EzyHelpers
01.2021 - 01.2021
  • Contributed to the back-end of the website and created a Blog app.
  • Tech-Stack: Django, DRF
Python, C++, C
Django, Django Rest framework, Flask, Celery
Heroku, Google Cloud Platform, Caddyserver
SQL, PostgreSQL
Familiar with
Javascript, Node.js, Neural Networks, Machine Learning
Git, Github, Gitlab, Docker, Kubernetes, Cosign, Kyverno, Postman
Sentiment Analyzer, ACM Month of Code 2021
  • Created a chrome extension to filter out negative comments on YOUTUBE which often discourages good content creators to continue creating awesome new content.
  • Tech Stack: NLTK, Tensorflow, Django, Google Youtube API, Javascript, Heroku
  • Achieved accuracy of 93%
Waste Segregation, HackBash 2021 Hackathon
  • Developed a waste segregation web app, ML-based deployed, to help waste segregation at dumping areas.
  • Developed the backend endpoints providing functionalities.
  • Tech Stack: Django, DRF, PostgreSQL, Celery, RabbitMQ, OpenWeather APIs.
  • Awarded as "Honorable Mentions"
VIRTUON, Virtual Try On Network
11.2020 - 03.2021
  • Implemented Transferring garments across images of people with arbitrary body pose, shape, and clothing using Deep Learning and Transfer Learning.
  • Teck Stack: Pytorch, Django, Docker.
  • Results are 91% accurate.
05.2021 - 05.2022
  • Organized events and workshops to promote development culture in the college.
11.2021 - 01.2022
  • Annual Hackathon organized by the Students of SVNIT with the support of Research Park, SVNIT
  • A Hackathon organized by J.P. Morgan Chase to provide solution to NGOs.
  • Coding Rounds conducted by Google.
Google Summer of Code 2021 Participant,
  • Global, online program focused on bringing new contributors into open source software development.